Friday, April 4, 2008

Paypal doesn't send emails like they should.. and What the heck is Best Match?

Dear eBay Queen;

I had a buyer email me today, and asked where their item was. My first thought was they hadn't paid, but after I did a search of my PayPal account, I realized they did pay. I never received the PayPal notification! I had no idea, and this was a total accident. What should I do?

Janet R, Springfield, MO

Dear Janet;

I completely understand your frustration. I have had the same thing happen to me. It's important you let your buyer know what happened, and that you are sending their product out today. When this has happened to me, and my buyer seemed especially upset I have refunded their shipping, or offered them free shipping on the next item they purchased.

A good way to check who has paid you without looking at your PayPal account, or watching for emails, is to check out your sold listings on your My eBay page. In the top right corner of any eBay page you will see My eBay click on it. Once you are on your "Items I've Sold" page you will see the items that have been paid for with PayPal.

Dear eBay Queen;

I took a little break from eBay, as I always do between the end of December and March. I was doing a little research the other day, and noticed that everything was different! The searches, and really the whole look of the site. I don't remember hearing anything about a change like this being in the works. Can you explain to me what is going on?


Dear T.;

There have been quite a few changes since you last listed an item on eBay. I believe the search changes you are talking about is eBay's new "Finding 2.0" or Best Match. Best Match is the new sorting algorithm that is suppose to revolutionize the way people search for items on eBay. eBay has taken all of the data they have accumulated in the last 10 years and put it to use, creating this new search tool.

As a buyer, I don't like it much. If I search for "polka dot pig", I want all the pigs on eBay with "polka dot" in the title. I do not want a computer or search algorithm to decide what I mean by the keywords I am searching for.
As a seller, this new tool can effect how a buyer comes across my eBay items. There are several factors that influence this search tool. It is important you know what they are so your listing will come out on top.

1. Make sure your Title has good keywords. If you are having trouble creating a good, effective title, try this eBay title builder.
2. Always use Item Specifics when they are available
3. Keep your shipping and handling fees fair
4. Create a great buying experience.
eBay scores you as a seller and each item you have listed. Here are some of the things they are scoring.
1. Listing Time or ending time
2. Listing Format (auction, store, fixed price)
3. Distance (how far the buyer is from you)
4. Other terms of sale such as warranty, refund policy and shipping cost.
5. Seller performance factor. This is where the Detailed Seller Ratings and PowerSeller status comes into effect. If you have above a 4.6 in your DSR scores for the last 30 days you will be advantaged in the search results. I f you are below a 4.2 in the last 30 days you will be disadvantaged.
No one really knows what weight they put on each of the factors listed above. Many people in the industry believe that the Seller Performance factor weighs heavier than listing or end time.
This new search tool is optional, and you can select to opt out of it by changing the sort feature in the blue gray shaded area above the search selections. The box will read "sort by". You can select; date ending first, shipping price or even nearest to you. If Best Match is in that box, that is your current search.

Strange eBay item of the week: eBay item 190206930123 (enter this number in the eBay search box in the top right corner of the eBay homepage). This seller makes the jewelry she sells. Her spring flowers are selling for quite a bit of money. Carved Bakelite Jonquils Flower Clamper Bracelet SOLD $441.00

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