Dear eBay Queen;
I own an e-commerce platform store that has several thousand products. I am trying to figure out, either a fully automated way, or the least time consuming way, to list these products in an eBay store. I know there must be a way to do this automatically. This is currently being done by several people on eBay already. I am currently attempting to reverse engineer how they are integrating their inventory directly into eBay. These sellers have identical inventory on both their websites and their eBay stores. I know that they can’t be manually creating 5000+ listings. I am having trouble figuring out where to start.
I own an e-commerce platform store that has several thousand products. I am trying to figure out, either a fully automated way, or the least time consuming way, to list these products in an eBay store. I know there must be a way to do this automatically. This is currently being done by several people on eBay already. I am currently attempting to reverse engineer how they are integrating their inventory directly into eBay. These sellers have identical inventory on both their websites and their eBay stores. I know that they can’t be manually creating 5000+ listings. I am having trouble figuring out where to start.
I am assuming that they are doing this one of two ways. First, they could be using some type of existing service that converts these website items, pictures and descriptions, strips out the shopping cart code and other proprietary ecommerce platform information and leaves a “clean” listing that can be uploaded to eBay through some type of auto listing software such as Turbo Lister. One of the reasons I believe this to be done by a service as opposed to a manual process, is that the stores and listings I have seen a few of these sellers create are extremely professional and organized. The second way they could be doing this is by taking the inventory spreadsheets from the drop ship company and somehow integrating the pictures, which are separate but identified by SKU numbers, and somehow uploading or integrating this data into some program. This method would be more advantageous for me as I have several drop shippers available to me with very large inventories and they have their whole inventory in spreadsheet formats much like the ecommerce platform does.
So basically I am looking for the most efficient way to instantly populate an eBay store with an existing inventory. I have not been a PowerSeller on eBay for a few years now and could be missing something obvious here. What is the most efficient way to instantly populate an eBay store with an existing inventory? What is the most efficient, automated way to transfer product data (pictures, descriptions) from a spreadsheet of inventory and/or existing ecommerce platform website, create listings of these products, and upload those items into an eBay store? Do you have any suggestions as to how I automate this process? Should I be looking for a service that will do this for me?
Dear Steve;
In this current economy you have a great problem to have. Unlike most eBay sellers, you have taken on the Internet alone without the help of eBay. Most Internet Retailers have mastered eBay and are very afraid to take on the World Wide Web.
There are quite a few business’ taking advantage multi-channel selling. They seem to have complete copies of their inventory on their web store on eBay. I believe they are doing this will the help of one of the many companies that have integrated ecommerce, eBay and other online selling venues. An option you might want to look into is using Channel Advisor Kyozu or Infopia . These companies will help immerse your business (for a fee) into the world of ecommerce.
I did a bit of research, and I think I understand what you need. Here are a few options that might help you create a presence on eBay.
In this current economy you have a great problem to have. Unlike most eBay sellers, you have taken on the Internet alone without the help of eBay. Most Internet Retailers have mastered eBay and are very afraid to take on the World Wide Web.
There are quite a few business’ taking advantage multi-channel selling. They seem to have complete copies of their inventory on their web store on eBay. I believe they are doing this will the help of one of the many companies that have integrated ecommerce, eBay and other online selling venues. An option you might want to look into is using Channel Advisor Kyozu or Infopia . These companies will help immerse your business (for a fee) into the world of ecommerce.
I did a bit of research, and I think I understand what you need. Here are a few options that might help you create a presence on eBay.
1. eBay File Exchange With file exchange you can upload your inventory via an Excel Spreadsheet.
2. OS Commerce has several open source options that will allow you to load your shopping cart onto eBay. To find a compatible program by Googling your shopping cart name and eBay to see if there is a compatible module that will load your items on eBay.
3. Blackthorne Pro might be an option for you as it works on an Access Database.
I hope one or some of these suggestions will get this problem ironed out and you find a good fit for your business.

Strange eBay item of the week: eBay item 190251789261 (enter this number in the eBay search box in the top right corner of the eBay homepage). Looking for a Life Size Lego sculpture of your favorite Basketball Star? You know where to find it! Jason Kidd Life Size Lego Statue SOLD $1000.00

Strange eBay item of the week: eBay item 190251789261 (enter this number in the eBay search box in the top right corner of the eBay homepage). Looking for a Life Size Lego sculpture of your favorite Basketball Star? You know where to find it! Jason Kidd Life Size Lego Statue SOLD $1000.00